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Work in Progress

A wise art friend once pointed out, aren't we all work in progress???

This obsession of success is so ironic and its relevance is a matter of perspective. Nevertheless how we strive to get there, the discipline, the sacrifice, the capability, the drive and the will is what makes us work in progress... Is your sacrifice worth the fruits of your success? Would you regret not willing to try that one more time? How do you keep yourself motivated amidst the adversity? Whom did you impact along the way?

As I grow older, I wish I could tell my younger self these few things...

1. Try more... it's not just about trying harder or many times, but trying differently, trying more ways, trying new things... That one more thing done differently could be your tipping point.

2. Look around you... As much as I want to be successful, who am I helping? who else can I talk to? Is there anyone that I could have shared my vision with?

3. So.... this 2 letter word seems to keep biting me back... it transcends at so many levels... So what? So is there anything else? So what do you have to lose? So if they don't care? So, so, so?

4. Move on... every person, every event happens for a reason at that particular moment in time. Letting go helps you generate space for recreation. In order for the apple tree to bear fruit, it has to let go of the beautiful apple blossom.

We are constantly a work in progress, and our work of living is never done until the fat lady sings...

A Guiding Light

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